INDIAN INK DRAWINGSThe magic of the dreams
Black and white: the colors of the piano keys, only two; and what music, what extension, and resources and variations. The ink evokes the material taken, the rocks, solid, porous, the sheets, the molds, the rusts, the empty avernals that are engulfed in piranesian blacks. Lightness and solidity are combined, lines, absolutely invented, intertwined with geometric patterns; the rules jump like fish on the enchanted sheet. |
POLIMATERIC ARTWORKSAt the heart of surrealism
Even more than the collage, the object was a typical creation of Surrealism. It has imposed itself on modern art by competing with sculpture and gradually replacing it (...). It should be remembered that the first exhibition of objects took place in Paris, at Charles Ratton, in 1936. Those that Crippa created between 1940 and 1948 belong to the two categories of assemblage and object revé. |
COLLAGESPioneer of collage in Italy
When we talk about collage it is implicit that we are talking about existing material, coming from the world of men: this is the starting position. Whatever we do, they all take a position: critical, metaphorical, through visual arguments of often paradoxical derivation. In this way, heterogeneous fragments can integrate, grow together and become new forces through creative imagination. |